Summer 2025 Workshops

Physical Comedy - July 14-18 - Teacher: Virginia Scott

Physical Comedy - July 14-18 - Teacher: Virginia Scott


Sometimes people use clown and physical comedy interchangeably but they are quite different. While clown perhaps gives life to your comic spirit, physical comedy is the structure. Clown is a nice foundation for physical comedy but not a prerequisite.

In this class you’ll learn how to design and execute an array of physical comedy events which you can use playing characters/situations in plays/film/video (they can tell you what to say but you have more license over your action) or to make your own routines as a clown, stand up, variety performer, TikTok star, etc. Comedians (including physical ones) sometimes say, “you can’t teach someone to be funny.” You might detect how this statement could be just a tad self-serving. Of course if you are deeply committed to being boring there is little to be done. But that is surely not you! Truth is, design and execution of physical comedy is a skill you can learn, and then use to augment your artistic expression, and have a blast. Wanna have some fun acting again?! You make a playground for yourself and then you play upon it.

Over the pandemic, Virginia Scott developed at MTS a new physical comedy curriculum. It includes a handy dandy handbook! In this class, you'll analyze some classic physical comedy turns and then you'll build some of your own. You will have the opportunity to try out a variety of categories of physical comedy such as problems with objects, takes, distraction and flights of fancy, and we’ll investigate how to develop these games using rhythm, repetition, sequencing successes and failures, escalation, and of course sharing with the audience. Plus we’ll look at physically comic characters and their vocal and physical gestures. Develop the necessary timing to go on this particular kind of hilarious joy ride and you'll never be boring on stage or on screen (even when the writing or directing is!). You'll leave with a shiny new routine to take home for your very own.

  • Hours: July 14th -July 18th, 10a.m. - 4 p.m. (with an hour off for lunch)

  • Location: Brooklyn College Campus

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